Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Changing carrier name (v360 and hopely others Motos too)
will need p2k tools and OpEdit

p2k tools:
seem editor:
- load seem
- backup seem
- find offset 02 and change bit from 1 to 0
- find offset 4b and change bit from 6 to 0 (if you won't find this offset it doesn't matter (i didn't have it) just skip 4b)
- save to the phone

- find plmn_text_table.bin
- download it (make 2 copies - 1 backup and 1 for modding)
- delete it in phone
(let p2k tools running, don't restart phone, don't do anything)

- open plmn_text_table.bin
- find your carrrier name
- ttripleclick on it
- overwrite to anything you like (ie .: SiLENCER :.)
- save

p2k (continue):
- copy modded plmn_text_table.bin into the phone to the same location as the original was
- restart
- enjoy... Smile

(sreenshot is in previous post)

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